KidsPeace communications and marketing efforts have won awards in a national healthcare marketing competition. The Aster Awards, a national/international awards program for excellence in advertising and marketing by healthcare providers, recognized five KidsPeace initiatives in its 2021 Awards:
- Gold Award designations was given to KidsPeace’s 2020 Outcomes and Annual Report publication (featuring results and highlights from 2019), and to the organization’s internal poster campaign to promote mask wearing and social distancing among employees and clients in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Silver Awards were given to the “Ask the Experts at KidsPeace” blog at kidspeace.org, and to KidsPeace’s Healing Magazine’s July 2020 special digital issue, devoted to the subject of combatting the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
- A direct mail campaign to promote referrals to KidsPeace’s residential treatment program, featuring a “Back to School” message, was recognized with a Bronze Award.
The Aster Awards is one of the largest and most respected national/international competitions of its kind. This elite program has recognized outstanding healthcare professionals for excellence in their advertising and marketing efforts for over 20 years.
Participants’ entries compete against similar-sized organizations in their specific groups and categories. All awards were issued for entries that received top marks from judges placing them in the top 16% of the nation for advertising excellence. Judging criteria included creativity, layout and design, functionality, message effectiveness, production quality and overall appeal and execution.
All winners are currently posted on the Aster Awards website: (www.asterawards.com/winners).
“Our job is to produce and disseminate messaging that illuminates the issues faced by the kids we care for, and explains what our associates do to help them overcome those challenges,” said Robert Martin, director of communications. “We are honored to receive this recognition for our efforts to communicate the expertise and caring that the people of KidsPeace demonstrate every day,”