The heart of KidsPeace’s service lies in the stories shared by visitors, and the therapeutic support responses they receive. In the latest installment of our podcast series Conversations with KidsPeace, host Bob Martin talks with KidsPeace Board of Directors chair Dr. Scott Reines about his family’s donation to the service aimed at keeping its heart beating for future visitors.
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Video Podcast Show Notes
To begin with, how did you first get involved with KidsPeace?
The gift you and your wife are making to TeenCentral highlights the heart of the service – the therapeutic support provided to those who share their stories on the site. What is that so important, in your opinion?
Were you surprised to find that on average it costs KidsPeace about $100 to be able to respond to a single story on TeenCentral?
What do you hope the impact of your gift will be in the lives of kids who use TeenCentral?
Quick final question on another subject – as chair of the board, how do you think the organization is doing in handling the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic?