Interactive artwork from a child in KidsPeace programming
Artistic expression allows KidsPeace kids to both explore and communicate. Take a look at this simple piece completed by one of our children. Press the “Play” button, and mouse over the numbered circles to understand the emotion behind their art.

Notice the heart as depicted by this child.
It’s broken.
It’s also stitched together….
but not fully.
The blue around the broken heart could be water, indicating a feeling of drowning….
Or air? Indicating loneliness?
This child has experienced significant trauma, but is working to keep it together by acting like everything is OK.
The center heart is the heart of a KidsPeace child. No longer stitched together, this heart is fully separated and bleeding…
Or are those tears?
The area surrounding the heart has gone from blue to black, representing turmoil, anger, hurt and sadness.
The child is in pain, facing difficult memories and confusing feelings… a necessary step in the journey toward healing and hope.
And finally, the end of this child’s healing journey. It’s been an emotional and painful process, but this new heart is whole – surrounded by light and with rays shining from it, as if the heart is merging with a morning sun and delivering a message of a new day, new opportunity, new future and hope.
The child named this work “Healing is a Process.”
And it certainly is…
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