It’s sunny and HOT again. There is a slight breeze today and I am incredibly thankful for it. My legs are aching and I think I’m getting a blister on my left heel as I near three miles.
I’m in a meeting.
COVID 19 changed our world in what seems like just a few minutes. Recognizing and then understanding how much daily life had to change to mitigate the risk posed by the virus was a bumpy road for many of us – first there was denial, then I remember feeling tremendous anxiety in the first week or two. I wanted to DO SOMETHING to fix it, but I didn’t know what.
Eventually, like many of you, I realized the point isn’t about fixing the situation; it’s about learning to live with it, and focusing on what you CAN control amid the pandemic.
Which brings me back to my meeting …
Weekly Supervision meetings with staff had become nothing short of uncomfortable and frustrating. Sitting in an office, six feet apart and talking through hot and uncomfortable masks didn’t provide the setting for truly connecting, and it certainly didn’t encourage creative thinking. It was becoming a task to get through, rather than an opportunity to connect and empower.
So one day I proposed something new to the one member of my team who is scheduled in the office on the same day I am….LET’S WALK. I was thrilled when she said “Yes, let’s!”
On our walks, we share, ask questions, find solutions, create new ways to overcome challenges, and just encourage each other, recognizing and appreciating that we are accomplishing our goals even against such odds. She is super organized so she comes to each walk with notes on everything she is working on and a written summary of her updates, which helps us to document the decisions made and next steps. (BTW, speaking of steps: I’m very thankful she does most of the talking, since most of the time I’m just trying to keep up with her – she is a very fast walker!)
And… yep, we do return to the offices quite hot and perspired….so we always schedule our meetings at the end of the day. But what is important is that we return professionally, mentally and physically refreshed.
Give it a try.