All of the top ten Best Children’s Hospitals in America (ranked by U.S. News and World Report) offer Acupuncture treatments, and Qui Gong Sensory Therapy has been shown to significantly improve sensory issues in autistic children. These are just two of the valuable insights shared by Veronica Cavella Pedersen, Licensed Acupuncturist, during her KidsPeace Clinical Café presentation “An Introduction to Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine” at the Orchard Hills Campus on December 6.
Veronica is a graduate of Tian Jin University in China and Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine in New Jersey. She has practiced adult and pediatric Acupuncture for several years and currently works in private practice at The Acupuncture Centre and Tender Sprouts Pediatric Acupuncture, in Fleetwood, PA.
“Acupuncture is the stimulation of a certain point or points near the surface of the body by the insertion of very fine, sterile, surgical stainless steel needles,” says Veronica, who noted that research shows Acupuncture can be efficacious for a variety of concerns – including pain, anxiety, addiction, infertility and obesity. To allay concerns about the practice among Clinical Café attendees, Veronica emphasized the mandatory training on clean needle techniques required for Licensed Acupuncturists, exhibited the size of the needles and explained the procedure itself.
Veronica described five areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine — including Acupuncture and Qui Gong (a 12 movement hands-on therapy often taught to parents with children on the autism spectrum), as well as Herbal Medicine, Dietary Therapy and Tui Na Massage. And she explained how the benefits of these areas to patients complement Western mental health and medical practices.
“Western Medicine treats a variety of mental health and medical concerns; however, Eastern Medicine can also be quite effective for treatment. Including both is a well-rounded approach to treatment for the client,” she concluded.
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