It’s graduation time across America, as young people mark the achievement of completion of high school and look forward to the future. It’s particularly special this year for KidsPeace, as we celebrate the difficult journey and shining achievement of one of our own graduates, Lilly Crossley.
This is Lilly on graduation day at the KidsPeace Orchard Hills Campus in Pennsylvania – an achievement she described like this:
“I was at Wright House (PA residential program) for 14 months. I learned so much. When I first got there I was angry at the world, I hated myself and I wanted to die. I thought everyone was against me. Then one day the staff sat down and listened to me and all I’ve been through. They genuinely cared. I’ve never had people besides my mom who actually cared. These staff showed me there are good people in this world.
“I’m not a perfect child. I wasn’t magically cured. However I am in a sense better. I love life and I’m so glad to be here. Without the help of Wright House and Educational Staff I never would have graduated. Here I am, though – Class of 2017 and I’m going to Kutztown University in the fall.
“Thank you, staff, for all you did. For being there to help pick me up when I fall. Thank you for standing by me during my triumphs. Most important, thank you for being my 2nd family. I’ll never be able to repay you for turning me into the amazing person I am now.”
Thanks, Lilly, for sharing your story, and to you and all your fellow members of the Class of 2017 — Congratulations and good luck!!!