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Meeting the Growing Demand

KidsPeace Highlights 2021

Welcome to KidsPeace’s Annual Report,

Featuring highlights from our organization and its programs during 2021.

Like in 2020, this past year was dominated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. At KidsPeace, we faced the challenge of meeting a growing demand for mental health services amid staffing and funding issues tied to the pandemic.  Through the hard work of our dedicated associates, however, we continued to help thousands of kids and families through the services of the KidsPeace Continuum of Care.

We believe our organization’s story is one that should be shared wherever and whenever possible. 

Reach of Programming 


Admissions in 2021


Clients Served in Programs – 2021


Episodes of Care Delivered in 2021


 Referrals to PA Programs


Expertise Outreach Contacts


Children & Families Served since 1882

Model of Care

Each year, KidsPeace surveys its clients to gauge how well we met or exceeded their expectations in areas that comprise the foundation of our care-giving philosophy – the KidsPeace Model of Care.

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Client Satisfaction

Program Highlights


KidsPeace Stories

In 2021 we launched a video series called “KidsPeace Stories” – providing insight into the impact of KidsPeace’s programs on the lives of the people they serve.

If it hadn’t been for KidsPeace, and meeting my foster parents, I don’t know where I’d be…” Jocelyn Bishop, foster child and author

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“You don’t want kids to have to go to a residential treatment facility, but if they do have to go, I want them to go to KidsPeace…” Shoshi Goldfus, child advocate, Philadelphia, PA

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“It’s just a shining example of what we do… connect people to resources that will help them grow and flourish.” Rob Harvey, KidsPeace therapist, on using Dungeons & Dragons in autism group sessions.

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My message to any other teenage girl is, you’re going to be okay.  It’s not going to last forever and you’re going to get through it … KidsPeace does save lives, because it saved mine.”  Shannon Gerdes, former KidsPeace client training to be a counselor

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“In our area, there’s not that many options to go to for foster care.  So finding KidsPeace was definitely a blessing…” Tom and Bradley Lombardo, adoptive parents

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“KidsPeace put this in my head, and now it’s my calling to become a worker to help kids. They were the first people not to give up on me. They were the ones who gave me hope.”  Kristina Hughes, former KidsPeace client training to be a crisis worker.

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Digital Outreach


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In Gratitude

Our History

As 2021 came to an end, KidsPeace looked forward to the celebration of its 140th Anniversary in 2022.  The organization unveiled a new History section of its website, detailing six distinct eras of its journey from a small community orphanage to a major provider of mental and behavioral health services.  

“Mental and behavioral healthcare is under pressure in our society like never before. KidsPeace and its associates are committed to joining our communities and society to meet these challenges — in the same spirit that our founders showed when they stepped up to meet the challenges of their time, and set our organization on the path to fulfill its mission:  To give Hope, Help and Healing to children, adults and those who love them.”

Michael W. Slack, President and CEO

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